Friday, August 22, 2008

what i've been waiting for

finally seeing radiohead. they were incredible.

setlist (august 20,2008):

1. 15 Step 2.Reckoner 3. Optimistic 4. There There 5. All I Need 6. Pyramid Song 7. Talk Show Host 8. The National Anthem 9. The Gloaming 10. Videotape 11. Lucky 12. Faust Arp (repeated fuckups as mentioned) 13. Jigsaw Falling into Place 14. Climbing Up the Walls 15. Dollars and Cents 16. Nude 17. Bodysnatchers

encore one:

1. How to Disappear Completely 2. Arpeggi 3. Idioteque 4. In Limbo 5. Street Spirit

encore two:

1. You and Whose Army (dedicated to Seattle WTO protests) 2. No Surprises 3. Everything in Its Right Place

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