Monday, August 24, 2009


Here's an update on things in my life:

Evan has graduated from Evergreen and is looking for a job and place up here in Bellingham so that he can be with me while I finish up school at Western. We are taking the next steps in our relationship (long distance to short distance, from close to closer).

I just got done working the Kids Camp at the Rec Center and got great feedback on my performance and have a good chance of getting the assistant manager position if I decide to do camp next summer. Sounds pretty legit.

Maia Melton is going to be moving into my place, and so will a girl I don't know very well but who seems pretty awesome named Becky Alhadeff. The new dynamic with them plus Vanessa and I will be different but incredibly fun, I think!

I am going to be graduating (if all goes as planned) in the Spring with my BA with an emphasis in drawing. This summer I have decided that I will apply for the BFA as well making a total of 6 years here at Western and 2 degrees. I hope it all works out!

On the art front: I am currently trying to do lots of personnal art research now that camp is done and I have tons of free time. I am attempting to find direction for my visual work. I know that my work wants to deal with strong line and portraiture and using new mediums (especially finding ways to make drawings objects while still maintaining their integrity as drawings). Aside from that though I have discovered that I want to do performance art. The work of Marina Ambramovic and Ulay have been an exploding inspiration in my life, and I want to do three of their pieces with Evan this coming quarter. I plan on proposing them as part of my Art 494 class with Cara. The three pieces are Breath In Breath Out (above), AAA-AAA, and Light/Dark. This is the first time I've ever truly been inspired to do art outside the realm of the strictly visual. I hope Cara will appreciate my proposal of making this a part of my Art 494 program. And if she doesn't then I'll have to find other venues to perform these pieces. I believe that doing these mentally and physically demanding performances will strengthen mine and Evan's relationship and bring it to a place we've never been to before as well as give me a new foundation for the rest of my art to come and a new sense of ambition and drive.
Well, I think that has me mostly caught up. If I think of anything more I will add it. I will say that I want this blog to be more than just about me; I would love it to be a place where I can talk about art, movies, and music too on a regular basis.
Til next time!

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